Indoor League

The League shall be known as Leyland Netball4All Indoor League

  • 1. Membership of the League

  • 1.1 Application for membership will be on line. Each team to provide Team name Contacts x2 with full names / mobile and email.

  • Any changes must be in writing to the Secretary via our

  • 1.3 We ask team Managers / Coaches / Captains to ensure all participants within the Leyland Netball4All Indoor League are fully conversant with our rules and regulations. Due to the Data Protection Act All contacts will be held within the League and will not be used for any other purpose than to inform of WHATS HAPPENING IN OUR LEAGUE.

    1.4 All teams must adhere to rules and regulations See Here

  • 2. Aims and Objectives

  • 2.1 To promote and provide Health and Wellbeing amongst all its members.

    2.2 To develop and promote indoor netball within the Leyland Community and surrounding area

    2.3 To offer competitive netball to all, covering all abilities and to invest in the youth within the Community [Health and Wellbeing]

    2.4 To provide its services in a way that is fair to all its members

  • 3. Committee

  • 3.1 The Officers are: - The Chair-person / Secretary / Treasurer / Umpire Secretary / Team representatives by invitation only

    3.2 The committee is empowered to deal with all the business of the League

    3.2.1 Leyland Netball4All Constitution

    3.2.2 The development and maintenance of all league rules, its processes and policies.

    3.3 The committee shall not incur liabilities in excess of the Leagues resources.

    3.4 Leyland Netball4All shall hold no responsibility for personal injury or loss of belongings whilst undertaking any sporting activity organised by the League

    3.5 Teams are required to take out their own insurance cover

  • 4. General Meetings

  • 4.1 An AGM to be held once every calendar year after completion of the summer season

    4.2 To receive Annual Report and statement of Accounts

    4.3 To re-elect its committee

    4.4 To consider proposals received from its member clubs

    4.5 Notification of fees for the forthcoming season.

    4.5 Items for agenda must be sent 21 days prior to the AGM date.

    4.6 One member from each team will be required to attend AGM.

  • 5. Extraordinary General Meeting [EGM]

  • 5.1 Can be called by no less than one third of member clubs. The request to be received in writing by the committee must detail the reason for the request plus 28 days' notice

    5.2 Voting Procedure by a simple majority vote.

    5.3 Persons eligible to vote are those club representatives in attendance at AGM and who are registered for the forthcoming season [a single vote]

    5.4 The Chair-person shall have the casting vote in case of an equality of votes

  • 6. Accounts

  • 6.1 The financial year will be 1st April - 31st March

    6.2 All monies will be paid through a bank account

    6.3 Accounts to be prepared for yearend by treasurer and quantified by 2 committee members

  • 7. Dissolution of League

  • 7.1 In the vent of dissolution any assets of Leyland Netball4All Indoor League will go to a charity chosen by the committee