
leylandnetball4 all@outlook.com

 Chair-person & Fixture Secretary - Lisa  Goudy

Umpire Secretary - Barbara Seal / Vicky McDonagh

Safeguarding Secretary - Vicky McDonagh

Treasurer - Julie Baron

All contactable via leylandnetball4all@outlook.com marked to the attention of the committee member you require assistance from


1.1.1 - All leagues have a Registration Fee of £30.00, this covers your last game played in the Leyland Netball4All League if you decide to leave.

1.1.2 - From week 1, £30.00 is to be paid in full to cover the cost of the following weeks game.

1.1.3 - ALL fees (£30.00) are required to be transferred by 4pm on the day of your fixture to the Leyland Netaball4All account.

1.1.4 - No team may take the court until court fees are paid.

1.1.5 - All entries must have 2 contacts details and a minimum of 7 players registered through our website.

1.1.6 - Any team who provides giving false information regarding the identity of players when registering will be disciplined, any points gained from the played fixture will forfeit the fixture.



2.1.1 - As I am sure everyone can appreciate a lot of time and work goes into creating fixtures and updating the website with all information, therefore, if a team withdraws from the league at any point once the league has commenced there will be a £75 administration charge payable.

 2.1.2 - When a team leaves the league, any previous or future fixtures will be inputted as a 15-0 win to the team still in the league.



3.1.1 - Team Managers/Captains/Coaches upon submitting entry accepts all rules and regulations of the Leyland Netball4All League and ensuring that ALL members 

of their team who at any time represent them in Leyland Netball4All League matches are fully aware of said same rules.

3.1.2 - All teams must supply own ball, bibs and first aid [there are no first aid facilities available at any of the venues]

3.1.3 - All teams must wear suitable footwear. In the event of a clash of colour of kit/bibs the away team [second named team on fixture] must change their bibs and seek confirmation from umpires that they are happy with the colour change.

3.1.4 – Any jewellery that cannot be removed is permitted as long as it is taped up.

3.1.5 - Nails must be kept short.

3.1.6 - It is the umpires' responsibility to check for any of the above and request removal before commencement of match.

3.1.7 - England Netball recommends that individuals (player, coach, umpire) if pregnant should only participate with approval from their doctor and not participate beyond the12th week of pregnancy. 

LeylandNetball4All League will require this approval sending to leylandnetball4all@outlook.com

3.1.8 - If there are two leagues played the same night, the winner of the lower league will move up to the higher league.



4.1.1 - Players MUST be registered to your team before they take to the court.

4.1.2 - If you are wanting to add players to your team sheets this must be done before the fixture takes place.

4.1.3 - With regards to players moving teams, players can move teams within the season if they so wish – however, this will be limited to no more than 2 moves per season (so if a player registers to a team at the beginning of the season the player can move twice and then will have to remain with that team for the remainder of the season)

4.1.4 - Teams can play players from another team, but these players can only play WD, C or WA

4.1.5 - Player's may REGISTER to play in the Leyland Netball4All League from the age of 14 if the players parent accepts this is an adult league.

4.1.6 - Team sheets are to be completed online with the login and password provided at the beginning of each season.

4.1.7 - All teams are to complete team sheets before 4pm along with fees or there will be a 3-point deduction from the team.

4.1.8 - Team sheet must be correct before taking the court, or a 3-point deduction will be applied.

4.1.9 - You are allowed 3 borrowed players. No exceptions will be made for any teams. If a team plays with more than the allowed number of 3 borrowed players, they will be deducted of 5 points.

4.1.10 - If a team forfeits the game, but the fixture is still played, the forfeiting team will lose the fixture by 30 v 0.

4.1.11 – If a player from the HIGHER division fills in on the LOWER division, this player MUST only play WD, C, or WA. Under NO circumstances, is this player allowed to play a circle position. LOWER can play UP in ANY position.


5.1.1 - Matcheswill have 2 umpires per court and a scorer.

5.1.2 - Scorerand Umpire fees are included in the court fees.

5.1.3 - Finalscore will be updated by COP on the day of the fixture.

5.1.4 - Rulesare England Netball regulated.

5.1.5 - Matchesare 2 x 18 mins.

5.1.6 - Gameswill start on the whistle of the Umpires timer so speed in getting on court isessential at the changeover. First matches on are advised to arrive early andbe on court ready for start to avoid any delays.

5.1.7 - Oncethe first whistle has been blown, if the team is late taking to court, forevery minute late 1 goal will be awarded to the opposition.

5.1.8 - Teamscan take the court with 5 players.

5.1.9 - Teamscan, if short use players from another team but only in a WD, C or WA positionhowever their opposition and umpire must be informed before the game commences.

5.1.10 - PointsSystem - Win = 5 points / Draw = 3 points / Loss by1 goal = 2 points Score overhalf = 1 point / Loss = 0 points

5.1.11 - Playerof the match, to be submitted via WhatsApp in the league group after eachfixture.



6.1.1 - Netballis a physical game. Umpires will do all they can to cut out dangerous play, butaccidents do happen. Neither the LeylandNetball4All League, members of theorganisation nor umpires can be held responsible for any accidents or injuriesin any match. Teams are required to take out their own personal insurancehowever any injury should be reported and entered in the injury book.

6.1.2 - Inthe event of any players being injured the game MUST continueunless the team has LESS than 5 players on court - only thenwill time be called.

6.1.3 - Ifa game must be abandoned and over half of the game has been played the scorestands at time of stoppage and will not be replayed. If it’s less than half thematch will be replayed at end of season unless teams agree otherwise. The teamwith injury will have to recompense the opposition for the percentage of playleft un-played.



7.1.1 – If ateam cancels any fixture the fees for the game are still be required to be paidin full, for both yourself and the opposition.



8.1.1 - Anydisputes arising from these decisions must be put inwriting to the leaguesecretary via leylandnetball4all@outlook.com

8.1.2 - LeylandNetball4Allleague have a policy of NO Verbal Abuse directed at either any playeror umpire or any volunteers. Please always respect our umpires. Remember theyhave to make decisions in a millisecond, and they cannot physically see everythingthat is going on.

8.1.3 - LeylandNetball4All league have a policy of NO physical violencedirected at either any player or umpire or any volunteers.

8.1.4 - LeylandNetball4All league have a policy of NO bad sportsmanship.

8.1.5 - Weare endeavouring to bring back respect for players/umpires and volunteers.

8.1.6 - Ifa complaint is made by anyone the League administration reserve the right todiscipline or suspend accordingly.

8.1.7 - TheLeague committee have the right to amend Rules and Regulations if required forthe safety / benefit of the League.

8.1.8 - Anydisputes arising from these decisions must be put in writing within 7 days viaemail to leylandnetball4all@outlook.com



9.1.1 - Fixturesare available to view from the Leyland Netball4allwebsitehttp://indoornetball.co.uk/netball4all and will be followed without exception,unless formally changed by the Leyland Netball4all Committee.



10.1.1 - Complaintsor problems should be directed to the LeylandNetball4All League Secretary inwriting (e-mail: leylandnetball4all@outlook.com) within 7 days of the issuearising. Please make sure this is emailed and not text, WhatsApp, or Facebook

10.1.2 - Anyviolent, abusive, derogatory or socially inappropriate behaviour towards anyPlayer, Official or Umpire will not be tolerated and will be investigated thoroughly,and a decision made with regards to the incident by the committee.

10.1.3 - Participatingin any match or Tournament, in any capacity, whilst under the influence ofdrugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited and will result in the Player, Officialor umpire being required to cease the activity immediately. The offendingindividual will be suspended from the LeylandNetball4All League until theLeyland Netball4All League Committee have discussed the incident and reach adecision on the appropriate action.

10.1.4 - TheLeyland Netball4All League recognises that children are often brought withtheir parents to the netball courts - this is only permissible if children areappropriately supervised whilst the parent is playing, or the child canunderstand Health & Safety rules, such as standing back from the edge ofthe court, not running onto court etc

10.1.5 - Socialmedia Policy - Total ban on informal videorecording or photography of any kindduring matches and around all court areas. Any recordings or photographs mayonly be taken with prior written consent from the Leyland Netball4All LeagueCommittee. Please email your request to: leylandnetball4all@outlook.com

10.1.6 - Safeguarding- As everyone is aware we may have junior (Under 18) members playing within theleague and every player has a duty of care to ensure we do not breech anypotential issues in relation to safeguarding, for junior players, childrenobserving matches & vulnerable adults.